I have been down this road before, but I am hoping to view it from a totally different perspective. Maybe you can enlighten me by possible sharing your point of view with me. You may choose to remain silent which mind you is your choice, but by chance if you are feeling empowered with a revived surge of inspiration,please feel free to say what it is that you have been dying to scream out at the top of your lung. Announce to the world, that you here, let them know that you are not beaten, you refuse to give in to the sometimes downtrodden sometimes never ending u-turns that life seems to force feed you. You are a survivor and you will conquer and reach those highest peaks that have eluded you before. Linger in the dim moonlight and bask in the glory of the sun for those seemly brief moments are yours to enjoy a lifetime. Won't you join me?
David Cook, "Take Me As I Am"