Lost N Cambodia!!!
n I tell people were I am, they automatically ask me why would I move back to Cambodia after having lived Stateside for a greater portion of 24 years of my life. The answer is simply really. I wanted to be closer to my family, my parents. Eight years ago, my journey in life took on a detour and finally lead me down a very different path than which i had imagines for myself prior. But its those life altering experiences that change the course of who you are as a person. It challenges you, maybe even places you in front of moving traffic blind folded praying for divine intervention and guidance. What event changed my life, you maybe wondering? Becoming a mother changed everything. The game plans which I was so sure about the year prior were no longer valid and had to be scraped. This joyous of occasions soiled by the reality that I was going to travel the road alone. It was apparent that I was not going to be able to rely on Nate's father.It ended up that we were at different places in our lives and wanted different things.Well, I always knew what I wanted, but he didn't know what he wanted in life period. He was set on being a player if you will, refusing to grow up. This fact is most unfortunate. So, this is were my journey took me. It lead me down the path and back to the land of my origin, Cambodia, The Kingdom of Wonder!
Me at the office:-) |
Having fled Cambodia with my family some 37 years before, I always felt a little like an outsider. Not quite fitting in as a native would. I was definitely treated differently, not just because I was an an expatriate, but well my overall mannerism, my physical appears, and basically who I was screams, I am a foreigner. A matter a fact most people would sooner consider me Malaysian or Filipino than a native Cambodian. This status would have not sat well with me I would say 10 years ago, but having accepted the I am different, it was no longer a problem for me to not take their comments personally. I comfortable in my own skin and surroundings. I question not why, but I am confident and celebrate my differences and recognize my roots. I am a melting pot of sorts absorbing and taking the best of both world and making it my own.
i still remember faintly, when I returned for the first time. It was a rude awakening. Don't think there was anything to prepare me for what was about to happen. I spent about a week adjusting to the time difference and another year to adjust to the climate, humidity, and changing seasons. But soon the vivid colors and vibrant aura took over hijacking my senses. Smiles, innocence, laughter, and genuine joy, are able to cross all language even cultural barriers and fill any existing emptiness that may still be present inside. Returning back from my first time since fleeing Cambodia with my family during the Khmer Rouge regime, I will never forget the Cambodian people and their enduring spirits. And after traveling for almost three months with the great people, I felt this all encompassing warmth take over and remedy an ailing soul, a soul caught between two worlds struggling to fit in and finding a place to call her own.
Thanks to my parents for having paved the way back to Cambodia, And for encouraging me to take this journey back home. The return trip home was totally amazing trip. More photos to come, but first enjoy the slideshow. The pictures don't do Cambodia justice. The country and its people welcomed me back with open arms and made me feel at home. Which definitely means food photos too because nothing fills that emptiness like enjoying a meal with new friends and family. Enjoy!
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