Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A tribute to you! You are awesome! I need not drop names :) you know who you are...he he

Whoo hooo! Rock on!!!!
You are unique in who you are! 
There is no denying that charismatic aura that radiates from around your being. 
Some may stare and even gawk in amazement, 
because when you enter the dormant lifeless room something mystical almost too fantastic to believe...something so inviting ensues. Flares ignite sparks explodes into a million and one pieces as marvelous as any star-spangled fireworks display could set forth. 
I am at awe and truly blessed to have cross paths with such an amazing creature so full of life and inspiration. Thank you for being you, I would not have it any other way:-)  You are awesome and equally talented:-) 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lost's Random Musings: It is what it is anything but ridiculous!!!

24 hrs ago, I was sitting in from of my lappy and wondering, '"How in the world did I find myself here?'"  How do you go from a completely secure individual to someone a little slightly off? Don't get me wrong, I am a fairly secure person, but even I have my moments of utter insanity. Though these moments are isolated and seem to be fewer and less frequent occurances  as I have become more settled into my own with the onset of my thirties. How can a single event change the course of one's life in a split of second???

Where and at what point did it change? I'm at a loss for words and trust me this does not happen often. I was confident that my life was going to be spent on a solo flight. I had accepted that  I might possibly end up raising Nate on my own.  But, the events that transpired just earlier this morning changed all that....