Thursday, August 23, 2012

PMS, Not Just A Female Phenomenon: Male PMS Explained

Glitter Graphics

Male PMS? Sounds absurd, doesn’t it? Premenstrual Syndrome for years has just been associated with women and their monthly timely visitor. Suppose it’s because it is social unacceptable to talk about a premenstrual syndrome in men being that they don’t ovulate. But I’d like to challenge that notion, because let’s face it. PMS is more than just unfortunate side effect of the monthly menstruation cycle in women. It is about a hormonal change that gives way to symptoms. Unlike women whose symptoms occur 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of her period once a month, male PMS symptoms can strike at anytime and theoretically speaking, ‘”male pms’” can even be a lifelong condition with not. A little like an open season pass to be an ‘”ass’” if you will.  That’s right. ANYtime. Isn’t that convenient? Males’ levels of testosterone are highest after waking and fall throughout the day.

Personally, I have observed this most particular phenomenon among my boyfriends, two brothers and countless number close male friends. Each seemed to experienced random bouts crabbiness,  even borderline bitchiness along with swings, stomach cramps, and even hot flashes, all of which seem to be caused by a drop in testosterone.. For most it’s just an isolated occurrences where one veers off course from a normally even keel personas and the bouts of moodiness rarely lasts longer than a couple days at a time. Whilst others suffer from a more debilitating condition that symptoms are more long term and goddamn, it’s seriously unpleasant. Sound familiar?

Male PMS is something we all love to joke about; I mean it’s hard not to see the uncanny similarities of the symptoms to that of the female phenomenon. Studies have been conducted and have proved that many men really DO suffer from a condition similar to PMS, which they’ve dubbed Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS). No joke.

Now what I am wondering is,  is how do you tell if it really is Male PMS or is a case of being a royal pain in the ass? Suppose a trip to the doctor’s office could diagnose the condition and if it’s directly related to a natural fall in testosterone…hahaha!
So yeah, guys? Next time you feel the urge to perplexed by our monthly moodiness, PMS-induced behavior, just remember: we have to put up with YOURS, too.


vicious|reality said...

I have to admit I was quite amused by your blog. Mostly because it's good to know I'm not the only one noticing it - the male version of PMS and furthermore because all jokes aside, it tend to be even worse than ours. Like you said either it's the PMS or generally being a royal pain in the ass. Anyway, I won't go into it because it's not really relevant, I did, however, wanted to say kudos.

Vary said...

Worse is an understatement!!! When I announced my intent to do a write up about male pms, a male friend told me there is no way that something like that could occur, but I personally think that is just a cop out. A clear case of obvious denial! At least there is viable reason for our monthly moodiness...a biological reproductive cycle. Now what I wanna know is, what's his excuse?

Unknown said...

Oh, wow ! What can I say? Speaking as a man myself, I don't believe there is a male PMS disorder. As far as I'm concerned, lack of sex has been the ultimate reason to justify my mood swings. I was told that if testosterone levels are suppressed it will act to the detriment in every area in life. The thing here is that the real crux of the issue is the fact that I'm devoted to one woman, (believe me when I say this), and every time she withholds sex with me I've been effectively castrated even without the need of a scalpel. And in relation to this, it definitely affects me thus affecting my behavior throughout the day. Let me clear something up, masturbation is no substitute. That's why sometimes it does make me wonder whether it is way past time to remove the stigma of prostitution and start seeing it as therapy for the sexually deprived just like myself.

vicious|reality said...

That's actually a good point Taylor. Stigma of the prostitution should be removed and fyi this type of therapy already exists. I think a movie was made not too long ago, based on a true story about a therapist that suggested sex as a part of his therapy ... and since he had no partner she introduced him to a woman that 'takes care' of men like himself ... besides the point, where I was actually going with that is that I'm aware of what sex withholding does to a person, it makes them go crazy but to be fair, it does the same to women (some at least!) wether they'll admit it or not. Mastrubation is a sort of a substitute, because the outcome releases the same chemical mixture as sex would, minus the physical contact which can only benifit us of course. Lack of sex may be one of the reasons to justify mood swings but it's far from being the only one, let alone the ultimate one - at least that's my perspective.

Vary said...

I am not one to label and I have never subscribe to herding people into nice neat categories. But lets face it, whatever the reason for the hormonal imbalance, it is real!As to removing the stigma of prostitution, cmon now seriously??? Whereas I realize that it is considered one of the world’s oldest professions, and some women may choose it as a profession on their own accord. BUT more often than not, they are victims and forced into the sex industry as a means of supporting their families. For the most part prostitution, in my subjective opinion is nothing more than a flesh trade and buying and selling a commodity that objectifies women and worse exploits their vulnerability is wrong in every sense of the word. Whereas I understand the carnal needs of sexual gratification, I do not support the mean to fulfill it. I mean cmon it’s a means to an end, but who pays the price for a few moments of pleasure???? And Vicious is absolutely right...if you’re feeling the urge to quench your thirst and you do not have an outlet to plug into'", ffs use the tool god gave you!!!!!!!! Self-gratification!!!! Hell Yeah!

vicious|reality said...

I must say sel-gratification made me giggle ... I've heard your hands are not just for punching lol. Now as far as prostitution goes, let me add that removing the taboo but more than that, legalising it, would bring more advantages to these poor women, even the ones who chose to do it by themselves. Law protection means less exploit, means no middle man .... List goes on and on, but we're not here to talk politics and law ... I think you are right Vary, whatever the reason for hormonal imbalance - it's there! And it's not just us women! There. Lol. Peace out x

Vary said...

Self-gratification!!! I love that word!!!!!!!!!!!Cmon, everyone, lets say it! Let, do it!

But on that note,let"s teach our children to keep in their pants ffs!!!! Damn I know we are a little higher on the totem pole of the many primates. Sure ideally laws and even legalizing prostitution would reduce exploitation, but not in a world where sometimes laws and regulations are just for show. In an environment where the rich and powerful make the rules which mind you always seem to overlook the needs of the marginalized of society. Think this is a debate that has been on the tables for centuries and will probably be discussed for centuries more!!! If there was a way to guarantee that legalizing prostitution would eliminate the exploitation of women and others, great I would consider it, but there is not way! I am totally against objectifying women and turning them into commodities for the sake of getting off!!! ffs! Keep the shit in your pants!

vicious|reality said...

Fair enough Vary but here's the thing ... Some civilizations were based on male dominance and have always rewarded those who had the strenght (well traits that generally males posses). This also explains why many civilizations have not been kind to women even with a small no. of them honouring them, they never achieved an equal status.. Now yes, we can go into cultural differences, how every culture deals differently with sexuality..heterosexuality, monogamy, polygyny .. Prostitution is already out there and must be contained within brothels or is limited to individual providers .. Anyway it's natural on a biological level for males and females to have deisres for many partners but you might argue we no longer succumb to animal behavior.. Now what the prohibition has so far is created grey markets and areas in which people go around the laws and provide what society wants. Same thing happened with the progibition in the 1920's regarding alcohol consumption ... all it did it made the price skyrocket and black market sales were running things. Prohibition clearly can't stop the problem, it only makes it worse ... So let's look at the benefits of legalizing it, because what prohibition does is it fills courtrooms with these cases, having little or no impact on the matter, police personnel is overburdened and everything is done after people pay their fines ... Girls continue to get exploited and those who wanted it go back to their lives, doing it again - but this time being more careful. Making prostitution legal would allow the act to be managed instead of ignored. Pimps and others would no longer control women, giving less opportunity for those women to be abused by their own or their customers, I'm not saying it would completely stop the undergroung prostitution but it would help a lot. When an adult women decides to exhange money for sex it's a personal choice that is open to them and many teens would be saved from the world from which it's hard to escape alive. We can talk about health sagety issues as well and stds, controll, reporting ... You name it, I can get into that. What I'm saying is, prostitution should be legalized (yes cultural differences) to help control the problem. It shouldn't be ignored... Yes there's a question of moral, family, government involvement, actual control but all and all it's a trade like any other, you said it yourself. If not the oldest. There's demand .. and as long as there's demand, someone will make sure suply comes as well ... I think it's much better that the suply is being under supervision! Taxes! Health safety! And life protection! Minimizing the exploit and giving women the choice! Or at least a possibility of it. But to tell you the truth, women are no better ... we/ they(!!) just hide it better. We objectify men! Some exploit them ... I'm telling you, demand is out there, the question is how do we deliver the suply?

vicious|reality said...

I'm not quite sure how we ended up talking about legalizing prostitution after an article about male pms ... I blame Taylor with his 'a hand is not enough'. Any yes there are many typing errors in my last comment but I honestly couldn't care less because it's still early lol