Friday, August 24, 2012

Blissful Ignorance: Sometimes its best not to know

To all the world, it appears mighty 
Even majestic a midst the jungle foliage, deep and dark.
Green and vibrant, full of life with each rain,
Life is renewed, rejuvenated 
Dare not utter a word for fear of exposing the very fear
That sends feverishly cold chill down the vine
Strong and firm, yet when exposed and drenched, 
even the most sturdiest of things could break in two
Who would have ever imagined, who would have knew 
What fears rule thy grain, feed thy porous soul
Make them stop, dare not ponder
Why does my mind continue to wonder
What inexplicable horrors awaits
I would rather wander aimlessly
Enjoying the blissfulness of ignorance

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