Ffs, get that disconcerting, bewildered look off your face, will yeah? I may be a slightly different shade of Lost, but still the same ole Lost none the less!!!

Truth be told, I have what you would call a vividly colorful and vibrant personality. And some might even go as far as to call it no immensely vast! It doesn't quite fit into my sometimes reserved damener. In fact, I have spent the majority of my life feeling like I was just too much over the top, and I many have tried to tame me and extinguish the flaming red essence of who I am. Even gone as far as to shushed numerous occasions and have been told I am just too loud by of all people my mother. I have made friends in the most unlikely of places and situations such as on buses, whilst waiting in line at restrooms and grocery stores. Friends and family have called me bizarre, and worse, disconcerting. I spent years trying to change myself and become the person others wanted me to be in desperate attempt to just blend in. You may be asking yourself, did it work? Did I succeed? Well, thank goodness for small favors, it has not, because folks, for me to deny or alter my behavior would just end up making me miserable. And you know what! I love who I am and would never dream of changing who I am for the sake of pleasing others that would only be living a lie and ultimately denying who I really am deep down inside. I am who I am and not going to apologies for not being able to fit into that neat and tidy box that some would like me to conform to. There are many people who love and appreciate me exactly the way I am, the free spirit who is always cheerful, engagingly loud, ridiculously happy, and immensely open-minded, vividly imaginative and creative, frankly honest, holistically spiritual, and a tad weird….maybe borderline plain bizarre.
Some say that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but rather it is the inate fear of the potiential power we have within our reach. Something that may seem beyond our own wildest imaginations and this, my dear cannot be measured. We often ask ourselves, Who am I to be ? …Smart, dazzling, stunningly beautiful, gifted, simply amazing? There is nothing more shameful than adapting to playing the part that was dictated to you by society or your peers in the name of fitting in or conforming to the norm. You in fact are doing not only the world an injustice, but you are denying the who it is you were meant to be.. Let your inner vibrancy shine and watch it light up the world around you. Encourage others to do the same by celebrate your individuality and promote diversity one person at a time. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
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