Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?????

I just want to scream at the top of my lungs for the whole world to hear!!! I am in a fanfuckingtastic mood and I don't care if you can relate or you think I am crazy. There is absolutely nothing logical or rational about "Love". When it hits you, it is like your whole world has gone totally topsy-turvy!  Literally, like you someone has taken your breathe away and you struggling to take your next breathe. I know it sounds a little like an anxiety attack, but trust me you will know the difference between the! And NO I am have not lost my marbles. I am just relishing each and everyday remembering to thank my lucky stars for being able to LIVE! So, stop living in fear of making mistakes! Life is for living free without constraints not for living in fear of what may happen if you go on a leap of faith!!!!


vicious|reality said...

First of all: hell yeah! And second of all: damn. It would be so much easier if i could say, that there is not a person in this world, that hasn't experience what you're experiencing right now. Some have and some never will. Suck for them, i guess ... Feel free to enjoy what you're feeling, don't let anything or anyone get in your way girl, but don't get lost in the possibilities - I need you to stay in the reach so you can keep me in check. You know I can't be left alone for too long. Accidents happen (to others lol, not to me). ...Constraints are finally broken my dear, i encourage you to take a deep breath and then take your step - but when you do, please mind the gap - do you know what I mean, lol? Ahhh, you're kindness is rubbing off on me. My point is: do it! Take that leap of faith! And if you do happen to loose your marbles ... well don't worry, I'll be right behind you picking them up and selling them ... making us rich as hell =D

Vary said...

That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! I can feel the pools of tears welling up as we speak! OMG! What can I say you are awesome! Leave it to you to find away to make us a buck whilst I loose my grip on reality! hahaha! Vicious, it has been a roller-coaster ride since day one and we are still flying high as a kite! Hell yea!!! Whoooohooo! Luv it! Mega Hugs, Girlie!!!!!