Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lost on the Verge of Coming Unglued!

Why is it that things never work out the way you want them to? I wonder sometimes it isn't a conspiracy of sorts. When you envision something so awesome, it all seems so perfectly thought out, I mean methodical to the tee. Granted, I slightly being presumptuous and not taking into account that life doesn't always go your way you want and need it to. Always keeping in mind that I must be prepared to accept the good with the bad as it comes, but I just get frustrated at times. You expend an excessive amount of invaluable energy to ensure the plan unfolds just right, but it seems not everyone got the memo or maybe they just don't get it.

I realize that I can be a  demanding person at times, but these milestones and standards I demand from myself as well, just ask anyone that really knows me if you have any doubt:) I take ownership in all my projects and endevours, because it reflects upon me and my abilities! I treat people like I want to be treated that are only fair, I think! We have this huge meeting with the Advisory Board tomorrow and I did my part and now I have to pick up other team members slack.

Honestly, I truly prefer to work alone on projects for this very reason! But that isn't always the case, especially on this project. I am not doing the bulk of the translating and have chose to delegate the work to other, because I felt like I was spreading myself to thin.I wanted to concentrate one the material development and formulation of the case studies. Besides, I did all the preliminary leg work on this project not to mention the countless hours I spent on the project proposal.

Okay, I am complaining, I know! But I like to call it venting, such a nicer way to put it:) I feel this great sense of relief just getting that off my chest. Now, I will sit back patiently and wait for people to do their work so, I can get on with mine:)

Still smiling even though I am a bit arhhhhh!

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