Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just for Laughs Cuz Heck, I am in a great mood!

This is morbidly funny in a twisted quirky way! But hey it gives a new meaning to bleeding heart! I mean literally bleeding for you from the inside out. Now that's love for you..hehe! I cut my heart and hope to die, poke a needle in my eye! I love you, more than words can say and express. I love you so much it hurts!! How would you react to a declaration of love so strong it became borderline masochistic? Or would your innate response be, drop everything and run for the hills? Or OMG! He does love me!!!!! haha....Food for thought and pain as the icing on the proverbial cake of Undying love!!!! XXX

-Lost Enamoured 

Stupid Cupid!!!!

 This is a fun song! Enjoy!

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