Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Leap of Blind Faith: Taking a chance, not becoming a casualty!

‘”It’s impossible! What are the chances…” my pride tells me.
‘”It’s too risky! What if…” my experience warns me.
“”It’s insane, pure madness!’” my rational side proclaims.
But my heart whispers, ‘”Do it!!! Give it a try’” 

Sometimes life presents you with opportunities – you can do your best to avoid them, might even fear them, or maybe see it as a golden opportunity and take the chance leaving all rational thought and inhibitions behind in the bust. In any case, you now find yourself at the crossroads debating which path to take- do you stay the course and continue as you have doing exactly what you're doing, or you can take a chance…a leap of faith?  Suppose, it’s a little unnerving for some the foreign notion of walking straight into a crowded busy street with oncoming traffic blindfolded with nothing concrete to guide you, but your heart.

It takes enormous audacity to push the boundaries to the extreme, to go beyond what you know, to step out of your comfort zone. People are so scared of the unknown, even if we're pretty confident what lies ahead promises to be far greater than anything you have ever experienced. It’s why we have coin phrases like “better the devil you know”. But this doesn't help anyone; rather it allows most to live in fear, almost emotionally stunting us, leaving no room for personal growth. Because the reality of life is, if you do not fight for thing you want and push past your horizons how will you know what you are really capable of?

“We know what happens to those who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over” - Lost

Falling in love is the most beautiful of life’s mysteries and you cannot live a dream if you are willing to dream in the first place.  And no matter how incredibly amazing you may think your life is, discovering that one thing that may have eluded you before, could make your life that more astonishing. Love, isn’t for the faint at heart, it’s one of life’s many rewards reserved for those willing to take the chance and do what it takes to see that it becomes reality. And then sometimes, taking a chance is really the only option you have. You can allow your fears to crimple you or paralyze you and essentially setting limits on what you can achieve, but how will you reach greatness and live life to its fullest if you are not will to risk it all, almost leaving you vulnerable, exposed? Simple answer is you can't. Nothing in life worth wanting and keeping comes without effort. You cannot find and experience true love without putting yourself out there, allowing yourself to experience the unknown...
 -Lost n Her Element

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